The best tips and tricks to make films: Movie blogs with exclusive information

Entrance into a cinematic experience thanks to this collection of insightful (click now to visit the posts) and thought-provoking film review links.Compatible SitesMovie Reviews Archive 4Soldier Movie ReviewConan the DestroyerIs Day Shift (vampires) terrible?Leprechaun (1993) is a classic scary movie that will definitely keep you interestedHellrais

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Hellbound Hellraiser II Movie Review

Movie studios are known for pumping out sequels, but it's still rare to see one that was greenlit well before the original made a profit as Hellraiser had yet to be (blog post) released. Nevertheless, many of those details that Clive couldn't (blog post) fit into the first movie spilled over into Hellbound: Hellraiser II. Unfortunately though, de

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Sci-Fi Films

Amelie (2001) - This whimsical and charming French film of a young girl trying in her quest to inspire those in her life is a fun and inspiring watch. Audrey Tautou makes a great science fiction movie reviews acting performance as the title character. The film is full passion and imagination.

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Skinned Deep (2004) movie review

A homage to classic grindhouse horror cinema from 2004, Skinned Deep doesn't shy away from its inspiration at all in its aesthetic. Presented in a 4 by 3 aspect ratio, with heavy film grain and overdubbed dialogue, you don't even need the story of a middle-of-nowhere family of maniacs to make this one feel unnerving. Oh, but it's about a mid

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Gamera The Brave Movie Review

The finale of Revenge of Gamerathon is finally here, with a review of Gamera the Brave! This 2006 reinvention of the iconic Kaiju sought to recapture the glory days of Gamera movies being heavily geared towards younger audiences. As such, it was directed by Ryuta Tazaki, known for his work on Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, Power Rangers Lightspeed Re

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